An epic viking battle in three minutes

How do you shoot an epic three-minute mini-movie? You partner up with the greatest viking re-enactment groups in the world, you head to the biggest viking event in the world in Wolin, Poland and you take over a local historic village for a day.

Directed by Pursuit of Vikings Director Phil Wallis, the production of Amon Amarth’s video for Shield Wall wasn’t just about action - it was about getting every detail right, from the arms and armour, to stunt choreography and more, and it shows.

An epic mini-movie with over three million views

Additionally, in support of Amon Amarth’s Berserker album campaign, we conceived and produced the packaging, artwork and deluxe packages for the album working closely with artist Brent Elliot White and with James Isaacs at Black Finch Design. We also created four short mini documentaries discussing the history and lore that inspired the album.  

Beserker booklet.png

SPACE ROCKS: An award-winning celebration of the Great Beyond